Specifies information about network ports on servers and workstations.
For example:
LAN0 = spx, 1, , 2000
LAN1 = netbios, 0, 15, 2000, , 12288
The LAN0 port is configured for an SPX network connection. The LAN1 port
is configured for a
NetBIOS connection and contains additional port setup information.
Exclude the _
or i
prefix and the .DLL
extension from the
port driver name.
Applies to:
Servers and clients
Default Value:
The default is specified during the Install program.
UI Equivalent:
On a workstation, File - Preferences - User Preferences - Ports; on a
server, the Ports tab
in the Server document.
LANnumber = port_driver, unit_ID, not_used, buffer_size